Wednesday, 13 July 2011

The viral effect of mainstream

Things can happen when a client with a mental health condition is allowed the opportunity to access mainstream on his or her own terms. Mainstream can be highly supportive of clients' individual aspirations and self-development. Sometimes this encouragement comes directly from the mainstream outlet itself rather than being dictated by carers, statutory services or voluntary agencies.

There are sound reasons for this. Mainstream allows individuals to access services as consumers with consumer rights. If someone with a mental health diagnosis freely chooses to develop his or her aspirations in a mainstream environment, there is no good reason why that person should be denied any of the services that particular venue may provide. The client is accessing mainstream as a consumer of that service, not as a 'diagnosis'.

Once a firm relationship with mainstream has been established, there are multiple ways that mainstream finds to continue to develop individual hopes, dreams and aspirations. I have clients who have found employment through accessing music by rehearsing regularly in a mainstream recording studio. This has not happened because I have requested the venue to provide employment for my clients. Far from it, the venue itself has instigated the process that can lead an individual towards a working role in the environment where he or she happens to feel most fulfilled.

This is the viral effect of mainstream

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